What does personal leadership mean to you?
When you ask people what personal leadership means, you get a variety of responses. What springs to mind when you think personal leadership? Captaining the local footy team? Taking charge of your life outside of work? Going for that next promotion?
For Change Factory, personal leadership has two key components.
Firstly, people must know the purpose of their role and have the competency, authority and information to make decisions required to execute it.
Secondly, they must also have the belief that executing their role is fulfilling their own personal goals.
When you combine the conditions for role success with the belief that this will also lead to personal goal attainment, then you see people ‘go the extra mile’. Motivated employees are more likely to put in discretionary effort.
Where personal leadership is missing in an organisation, people tend to drift and lack focus. Decision making can be difficult and employees are more likely to be reactive in company life.
When you have a lack of personal purpose, you are more likely to be at the mercy of prevailing circumstance and feel victimised by life.
To find out more about helping employees discover a sense of purpose and linking this to their work, the following articles are worth a read:
If personal leadership is on your mind, contact us to find out how we can help.