Managing the employee lifecycle—all the parts of an employee’s relationship with a business from planning for hiring right through to separation—is a critical success factor in the modern business.
The employee lifecycle, as we see it, looks like this:
Small to medium organisations often struggle to manage the employee lifecycle effectively. It’s not that they don’t have processes and procedures in place, it’s more that on average, the way the employee lifecycle is managed is reactive and tactical rather than proactive and strategic. This makes it difficult to effectively align the HR strategy with the overall organisational strategy. As a consequence, instead of supporting the organisation in reaching its intended goal, HR policies and processes can instead make it harder.
In addition, the HR strategy—of which the employee lifecycle is the major component—is often created in isolation from the organisational strategy, where there is the luxury to create one at all.
Change Factory can help you to align your HR strategy with your organisational strategy by mapping your organisational capabilities in the employee lifecycle to your strategy. We can then work with you to determine which parts of your employee lifecycle support your organisational strategy. For the parts that don’t, we can help you to redesign them in order to maximise HR’s contribution to organisational success.
To find out more about how we can help you manage your employee lifecycle, contact us today.