Taking the corporate view of the organisation (what it wants to be to its stakeholders – its vision) and how it wants to get there (its mission) and cascading that to every individual employee in a meaningful way results in personal accountability and leadership at every level.
Each employee has a purpose, and both understands and believes in the personal contribution that their role makes to the organisation.
We call this the Line of Sight.
Our Line of Sight approach comprises a set of decisions and actions designed to help an organisation to answer the following questions.
Where are we going?
Completing these steps gives the organisation a clear picture of what it wants to be (vision), how it plans to reach that goal (mission), and the mechanisms of control to be used over the journey (corporate governance).
How are we going to get there?
These steps involve the creation of an agreed pathway to achieving the corporate vision (strategy), establishing the numbers what will be measured as the barometer of our success (Key Result Areas), and cascading those measures down to individual tasks (processes and procedures).
Who is going to help us?
These steps involve providing people with the knowledge and skills necessary to execute the processes and procedures (training), assessing their capability to apply the training in the workplace (assessment), and providing people with the long-term support they need to grow and take on new responsibilities (competence development).
Personal Rewards, Individual Adoption and Personal Leadership
Personal Rewards for a job well done are about more than just remuneration; they also involve non-monetary rewards and recognition, role clarity and an understanding of development pathways within the organisation.
Individual Adoption focuses on motivating each person within an organisation to be part of the corporate vision, to sign on and engage in the organisation’s journey, while Personal Leadership encourages individuals to take the organisation’s goals beyond rhetoric and turn them into a reality for both themselves and their colleagues.
What a Line of Sight can achieve in your organisation
Properly executed, the Line of Sight gives each individual within the organisation—from the board down to the newest recruit—a clear picture of how their role contributes to the organisation’s success, what they need to do to maximise their contribution, and how they need to act to maximise their own personal effectiveness.
This creates an engaged, productive, and motivated workforce comprised of individuals who each take personal accountability for their actions.
When the Line of Sight is misaligned, it creates confusion and inconsistency as employees are left to their own devices to determine their optimum ways to contribute to an often-unclear corporate vision. This creates disengagement, low productivity, absenteeism, and poor morale, often without an obvious cause.
Need help putting together a Line of Sight for your organisation? Contact us today.