100 Change and Transformation Tips from Change Factory
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- Clearly communicate the vision and direction of the change.
- Measure along the way, to see how you are tracking against your milestones.
- Instil the desire to adopt new, better habits.
- Lead by demonstrating new behaviours.
- People need to believe the change is good for them.
- Identify your change supporters, as well as your opposition.
- If you plan the change project well, then the implementation becomes relatively straightforward.
- Help people understand that they can implement the change – they have the capacity, authority and tools to do so.
- Reward and recognise people who demonstrate the new desired behaviour.
- Consider using gamification techniques for engagement.
- Understand your organisational culture before embarking on change.
- Don’t let rumours fester – communicate.
- Build a team to drive the change.
- There is an opportunity in every change if you embrace it. There is a threat in every change if you ignore it.
- Inspire people, let them see and share your vision.
- Accept change management as an art form in its own right. Call in the experts!
- Change = effort / time.
- Persistent, consistent, insistent changes in behaviour have a huge impact.
- Formalise and systemise to create the new “normal”.
- Find your Change Champions.
- Tap into people’s emotional engagement for intrinsic motivation – make the change positive and contagious.
- Tell them early and tell them often.
- Do not allow yourself (and others) to slip back into old habits because it feels ‘easier’.
- Use multi-channel communication tactics to cater for all preferences (formal and informal).
- Business transformation requires context, to determine if the change should be revolutionary or evolutionary.
- Following a model that worked for another organisation won’t necessarily result in the same level of success. The key is in getting the small things right.
- The old adage, “To fail to plan is to plan to fail” is never truer than when attempting to transform a business.
- Don’t just consider the mechanical, organisation aspects of the transformation. Include concrete plans for human transformation at the individual level.
- Accrue the appropriate skills, to ensure that execution is done with a high degree of skill.
- Harness the power of influential stakeholders (passively or actively) supporting the business transformation.
- Devise tactics to flush out stakeholders that passively oppose the transformation, to enable dialogue and debate.
- Communicating with people causes them firstly to feel something, then think something, and then do something. This may take a nanosecond…or a week.
- Business transformations require some of the “stick” approach, as well as the “carrot”.
- Get key performance indicators around the transformation accepted as part of a balanced scorecard.
- Involve the Audit team in the planning and the definition of the key desired outcomes.
- Develop a coaching/feedback approach to the behavioural changes required.
- Ensure that the outputs of the project are well integrated into the operation of the business.
- Individuals should be evaluated against the competency required to determine training and development needs.
- The competency requirements to execute the new processes and operate in the new culture should be mapped.
- The organisation structure must reflect the desired power structure of the transformed entity.
- The “What’s in it for me?” should be clear, to achieve the desired behaviour changes at the individual level.
- Devise tactics to ensure that baggage from previous failed initiatives does not cloud people’s judgement.
- Clarity of purpose is best expressed in a vision (where we want to go) and mission (how we get there) and through the expression of how risk will be managed.
- No business transformation should be undertaken unless it creates value for one or more stakeholder groups, whether they are shareholders, customers or staff.
- Consider the value of the change: the difference between the perceptions of benefit over the perception of cost.
- Without a clear demonstrated ROI, other projects begin to take precedence as time passes and the project cannot be seen to make a return.
- Most transformations are actually led from the middle, not the top.
- Ensure that appropriate budget is allocated to the change, taking into account change management, communication and training costs.
- Tasks should be prioritised in terms of their relationship with each other, for their impact on the end goal of the transformation, and their ease of doing.
- Any business transformation requires new skills to be built and old habits to be discarded.
- Change requires full engagement: from the senior executives to the front line team leaders.
- Training should be designed to take people from a state of ‘unconscious incompetence’ to ‘conscious incompetence’ to ‘conscious competence’.
- Leaders must insist on minimum standards of performance as a result of the change.
- If there is no personal belief in the change, then the likelihood of individuals adopting the change is severely diminished.
- When communicating change, leaders should use a combination of facts and symbols.
- Consider: What further support do we need to have to ensure we transfer the skills, knowledge and attitude back to the workplace?
- Get people asking questions and making suggestions to improve your capacity and capability to achieve the change.
- The responsibility for communication outcomes during change rests squarely with the sender rather than the receiver.
- Don’t assume that people are made in your own image and therefore will feel, think and act like you do.
- Email alone is NOT a suitable channel to use to communicate major change or to affect changes in people’s behaviour
- Don’t use novelty and ‘fun’ as the single means to attract attention to the change and affect changes in people’s behaviour.
- Consider the various choices you have in delivering against the purpose of the change.
- Without governance, business transformations meander. Check that decisions and actions are consistent with the purpose and strategy of the change.
- Consider the skills that are needed on the project team, and the development opportunities needed to effectively execute your plans.
- Install checks and balances through appraisals, rewards and recognition and audit processes, so people understand that you are serious about the transformation.
- Consider which processes you need to re-engineer, to lock in the transformation.
- Ask yourself: What culture do we need to support our new way of working and how will we change our culture?
- When communicating change, leaders should do so with an obvious degree of emotion and personal passion for the change.
- Consider Kaizen: performing small, continuous improvement activities frequently, which can add up to significant improvements over time.
- Leaders must be able to articulate what people will be doing, how they will be behaving and what the results will be.
- If leaders do not believe in a change they have been directed to create, they are better served to state their disbelief and move on.
- Communicating during change: get their attention!
- Important news bears repeating. Repetition of your message also increases the chance that it will be heard.
- Give your team plenty of notice of the expected change.
- Clear, basic language is the best. Don’t use fancy words. Don’t use jargon or descriptive language.
- Tailor your messages. Address your audience’s motivations and concerns about the change you are proposing.
- Tell people when things are going to happen and who is going to be involved.
- As time ticks away and milestones come and go, tell people.
- Creating an internal brand enables you to cut through the corporate noise and help staff see and hear your change message.
- Get your CEO to publicly endorse the change: in presentations, meetings, on video, on the intranet…
- Focus learning model design on transferring learning to the workplace, not training.
- For every change project, aspire to leave a better world behind.
- Remember that people don’t resist change. They resist being changed.
- Don’t implement change after change too often.
- When in doubt, conduct a change readiness survey.
- Assess the external and internal environments to determine the context of change.
- We must have the courage of our convictions and implement change. As leaders, we have final accountability.
- Ensure that changes in processes are embedded into “the way we work here”.
- Help your employees cope with change.
- The leader of the change must be in control.
- When leaders do not believe in a change, the probability of failure of the change rises dramatically.
- Be empathetic: take others’ perspectives into account when making decisions and taking action.
- Leading people to perform at a level which will allow the organisation to reach its goal requires leaders to have the right attitude.
- To motivate employees to change, leaders need to understand the motivational needs of individuals and groups.
- Manage the transitions, as well as the change. Change is external to an individual and transition is internal.
- People need to believe that change is the norm (everybody’s doing it).
- Don’t get side tracked by issues and revert to multiple goals with no hierarchy.
- Ask yourself: What coaching do we need, to deliver to reinforce capability building through training?
- Leaders who talk the talk, but do not walk the walk, will never engender true cultural change.
- Consider: What skills, knowledge and attitude do we need to build in our staff and how should we do that?