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In an article titled “The Seven Deadly Sins of Strategy Implementation“, Prospectus, a consulting firm, reports that seventy percent of all strategy is either not implemented or is …

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According to Kenny Rogers, we have to ?know when to hold them, know when to fold them and know when to run?. The gambling refrain also applies to …

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Strategic planning, the what and the why of planning, is often overlooked by organisations who concentrate on tactical planning, the how of planning. The resultant business plan is …

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Organisations which fail to prioritise their projects and activities in alignment with their goals risk getting lost in a mire of directionless activity instead of taking a clear …

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The best competitor an organisation can have is itself. If the organisation is in the business of selling goods and services, cannibalising the sale of its own products …

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Strategies often fail in organisations because they are not successfully converted into actions that employees can understand and employ in their everyday work. The measures used to determine …

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