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Detachment Customers need to feel that you are concerned for them. Demonstrating indifference by not asking questions about them or their business is a major turn-off for customers. …

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In industries with a high proportion of one-to-many direct customer contacts, not enough attention is paid to training people to observe and interpret non-verbal customer cues. To explain, …

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A change management programme succeeds only when the change in processes and outcomes become embedded in day-to-day business. Embedding change in day-to-day business, requires a critical mass of …

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“Waiter, there is a fly in my soup!” “I am so sorry sir; let me replace that for you” “I am so sorry sir; let me replace that …

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Customer service is not customer satisfaction as reported by customer satisfaction surveys. Customer service, like a brand, is what the customer perceives and remembers of the service they …

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For more than twenty years the mantra in private enterprise and public enterprise has been “customer focus”. The phrase appears on mission statements, vision statement and “our values” …

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