How do I transform our home care workers into CDC facilitators?
Consumer Directed Care (CDC) takes effect on 1 July 2015. Your home care workers will need to be able to help your customers understand the changes and make choices. CDC training will help participants understand the requirements and the emotional intelligence needed to facilitate conversations, negotiate budgets and promote services.
Training for CDC Facilitation
Home care workers and Case Managers understand the benefits of person-centred care. CDC allows the customer to have more options for independence and choice of service providers for their care needs. Training for your staff is critical to enable your organisation to benefit from the changes and align your culture with your new CDC strategy.
Change Factory trains your staff for CDC facilitation. This includes not only the financial and marketing aspects, but also the emotional intelligence and resilience needed to succeed.
Creating a CDC Focused Culture
Changing the culture of your organisation to become CDC focused requires an assessment to accurately determine the gap between where you are now and where you need to be. A Change Readiness Survey can start this process by identifying:
- How aware and prepared management are to support and prioritise the required changes.
- How prepared staff are for the changes and their current level of CDC knowledge.
- How staff are feeling about implementing the changes.
- Levels of resistance change.
- Barriers to success (such as communication, understanding of the change and support during the change).
For larger organisations, Change Factory can provide an Organisational Cultural Inventory (OCI) to determine what kind of culture your organisation has and what changes are needed. This informs your training needs analysis to ensure you invest in the right areas to develop your care workers. It also informs the need to attract and develop people with the right aptitude for CDC.
Working with your HR and Learning and Development Managers
For organisations with a HR or Learning and Development Manager, we can work with you to design and implement a customised CDC training programme.
Change Factory also runs train-the-trainer workshops to embed the knowledge for future staff training. This aids both organisational engagement and individual adoption of the changes. We can also help integrate CDC related competencies into your performance management system and create CDC service standards.
We use a rapid 90-day planning process, which allows your actions to be scheduled in manageable blocks of time. 90 days allows for focus and commitment, but with enough time to get the job done and for regular reviews to occur.
Benefits of Training with Change Factory
- Change Factory designs training to maximise transfer of learning back into the workplace.
- We help you measure the value of CDC training in your organisation and how to determine the ROI.
- Training can be customised to suit your organisation and your customer interactions.
- Role plays can be based on real life examples from your workplace.
- Participants understand why CDC service standards are important and how to create them.
- Workbook includes an action plan to help facilitate transfer of learning back to the workplace.
- Change Factory can assist your HR or Learning and Development Manager to support and measure the progress of CDC training participants back in the workplace.
To find out more about how we can help you transform your home care workers into CDC facilitators, download our brochure CDC Training, or contact us today.